The challenges faced by a religious institution in owning, developing and properly maintaining its real property are no less than those facing a for-profit business or a family.  This job can be complicated by numerous additional requirements, such as the need to secure institutional or governmental permission for significant transactions, the need for additional income to maintain historic buildings and the interests of neighboring properties.  Having a plan in place to care for real property, and when appropriate making plans to develop it in accordance with the mission of the institution, may be critical to the survival of a religious institution.



  • Design & Construction
  • Purchase, Rental & Development
  • Zoning and Land Use
  • Landmarking
Select Matters
Our attorneys have represented clients in the following representative matters:

  • Acted as general counsel for Lincoln Center Development, Inc. in the 1.2 billion dollar redevelopment of a major non-for-profit cultural center.
  • Renegotiated a lease between a church client and a private day-care program that used church property.
  • Represented a church in negotiating a complex site development agreement.
  • Represented a church in obtaining payment from the insurer of a construction company that caused damage to the church’s roof and drainage systems.